Optimizing the Biomes of Our Bodies
With Kayla Barnes-Lentz, and Ara Katz

Explore how the microbiome is transforming our understanding of health and offering a new lever of action both in and beyond the gut with Ara Katz (Seed co-CEO) and Kayla Barnes-Lentz. We’ll debunk “gut mania,” the myths of probiotics, and learn about revolutionary new science of the vaginal microbiome and the critical role of the gut-brain axis in mental health. With actionable insights from the latest science, discover how the microbiome serves as a powerful lever for longevity and holistic well-being.

Kayla Barnes-Lentz
Kayla Barnes-Lentz
Ara Katz
Ara Katz
Sunday, November 3, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Convention Center 1D