Hysterical: HRT & The New Middle Age
With Robin Berzin,
Amanda Casgar
and Jessica Shepherd
Perimenopause is unique for every woman. Navigating what each of us needs to feel good can feel like decoding the next season of The White Lotus after one episode. Hysterical is a community dedicated to creating whisper cultures around subjects more delicate than the latest streaming hit. Please join founder Amanda Casgar in a live talk show with Dr. Jessica Shepherd and Dr. Robin Berzin as we explore the incredibly nuanced and dynamic world of Hormone Replacement Therapy. What do we need to know? Why is it so controversial? How might this drug be the canary in the coal mine for feminism's fourth wave? Oh yeah, it's juicy.
Robin Berzin
Parsley Health
Amanda Casgar
Jessica Shepherd
Sunday, November 3,
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Convention Center 1F