At the heart of AG1 (Athletic Greens) lies a commitment to our
mission, to empower people to take ownership of their health.
Since 2010, we've dedicated ourselves to enhancing our
formula to bring Foundational Nutrition to people around the
world.<br /> <br /> Our approach is deeply rooted in
science, with a continuous pursuit of excellence. We leverage
and contribute to the latest research to deliver a powerful,
straightforward solution for optimal health to our customers. We
harness the finest ingredients so that every scoop or travel
packet when mixed with 8 ounces of water, gives you the
nutrients you need with the simplicity you want in a daily
routine.<br /> <br /> Likewise, our organization
puts the same energy into creating an environment that is a
reflection of the cultural values that define who we are and how
we work together. These seven values— One Spectacular Life,
Customer Centric, Radical Ownership, High Performance, Courage,
Good Humans and Continuous Improvement—are a representation of
the high standards we set, and hold ourselves accountable to,
when it comes to building our team around the globe.