Dan Harris
Meditation Evangelist
Dan Harris is a former network news anchor who has become one of
the leading experts in meditation, mental health, and how to be
sanely ambitious. In 2014, Dan released his runaway best-selling
memoir 10% Happier, about how a fidgety, skeptical anchorman
discovered meditation. It was a surprise hit—not only to his
publisher, but to Dan himself. He went on to launch a meditation
app, a massively popular podcast, and a bestselling how-to book
called Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics. The one-time war
correspondent and devout anti- sentimentalist even gave a TED
talk on self- love, which garnered a standing ovation and
millions of views. In 2021, Dan stepped down from his
high-profle ABC gig to focus full-time on a thriving media
business which includes his podcast, active social media feed,
and upcoming books and video projects.